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Pascale Fournier is a french artist born in the USA.

She studied History and Archeology at the University of Paris X. Fascinated by theater, she took courses in scenography at the Arts Décoratifs, theater at the Théâtre Antique de la Sorbonne and then at the Cité Internationale with Iorgos Sevasticoglou. She completed her training with courses in ceramics, fashion design at the Chambre Syndicale de la Couture, and photography with the photographer Claude Gafner. The artist works in collaboration with other artists. She trained in weaving and acquired several trades for weaving and tapestry. She incorporates plants into her sculptures and weavings and develops the concept: weaving the moment, weaving the landscape.

« I am struck and inspired by the infinite diversity and beauty of the materials.

— Pascale Fournier