There has always been immigration. Prepare your belongings. To leave everything and to escape. Going as a group, as a family. It is a break, a change in life. We leave in more or less dramatic conditions. Even if hope dominates, hardly ever we emigrate with happiness in the heart, instead, we feel fear in the womb.
D'Galerie 2018: my installation for the LIEN exhibition with a current immigration theme. On the one hand immigrants and on the other a dreamed world: organized and exuberant. In the middle, the blue sea, the Mediterranean to cross. The red mesh: the shipwrecked, those who never arrive.
In my NY trip made in May 2019, I returned to the Ellis Island where I always feel moved.
Biennale Whitney 2019: Maïa Ruth Lee - Bondage. With the theme of Baggage wisely folded.
New Museum May 2019: I discovered the amazing work of Nari Ward.